
This page presents my attempts at scientific outreach. Enjoy!

Selected talks
Other resources

Selected talks

Seminar at IDEAS NCBR, Warsaw, Poland (6 June 2024)

Americal Physical Society March Meeting, Chicago,
USA (14-18 March 2022)


Explain or interpret? How to learn from neural networks – lecture and tutorial

1.5-hour lecture about interpretability and explainability at the Nordita Winter School on “Physics of Machine Learning & Machine Learning for Physics” (13-24 January 2025)

The accompanying tutorial is here.

Curious loss landscapes of neural networks – lecture and tutorial

2×1.5-hour lectures about loss landscapes and other neural network curiosities at the Nordita Winter School on “Physics of Machine Learning & Machine Learning for Physics” (13-24 January 2025)

The accompanying tutorial is here.

For the MSc in Quantum Science and Technologies program in Barcelona (with Borja Requena, Alexandre Dauphin, Gabriel Fernández Fernández, and Korbinian Kottmann)

Lecture during a session for PhD students “Artificial and natural intelligence” [PL]

Machine learning and neural networks at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (three consecutive winter semesters 2019-2021, as a teaching assistant) [PL]

Other resources

website of a Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry (24 Aug – 3 Sept 2021, Warsaw) with recorded talks and tutorials
